Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wordless Wednesday #229: Name That Location


  1. Enough about the location... what about that in-service shot of a B&O M-15m Wagontop auto car? I have never seen a photo, in-service or otherwise, of an M-15m!

  2. Location is everything to a RR photo. This one happens to be a northbound caboose first move on the Valley Line at Meadow Rd. in Rocky Hill. Meadow Rd. is a short distance south of the Goff Brook bridge. During the early diesel years the Valley local had been cut back to 3 days per week operation. This train is almost surely a short turnaround job to pick up loads at Hartford Rayon Co. located in the Dividend section of Rocky Hill, the largest customer located on the Valley Line at that time. There was no runaround track at Dividend then, so this train probably picked up one car from the warehouse on a facing point siding and 3 cars from the trailing point factory switchback siding. The two crewmen standing on the rear caboose platform confirm it as a back up move requiring protection by crew from the caboose.
