Monday, July 20, 2015

Great Idea (not!)

So, I thought it would be bright idea to cut my gaps in the curves on both ends of the dog bone in order to isolate the reversing section and make it as long as possible. 

I just succeeded in ruining that curve and will have to redo it. Turns out cutting gaps on curves will introduce a kink in the curve.

So much for soldering the track to make it flow smoothly.

Don't make this mistake - learn from my stupidity. >:^)


  1. Hmm. That's interesting. I'm guessing that happened because:
    a) it's Atlas flex track, not MicroEngineering; and/or
    b) it's not glued down.

    I've cut several gaps in the helixes without issue. So I guess the answer is to use insulated rail joiners in the loops instead?

  2. Filling the gap with as thick styrene as your cut should also avoid this problem. As would spiking on either side before cutting.
