Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Valley Local on Video(!)

Since Trevor put the bug in my ear the other day, I decided to try shooting some video on my layout. Credit (and many thanks) goes to Bill for the scenery & structures. At least I can lay claim to the trackwork. And the freight cars.

I hope you'll enjoy these short vignettes despite the fact that they're shot freehand with my iPhone (maybe Santa can help me out with that) and they're, um, color - a rarity in the Autumn of 1947.

So, without further ado, I think I hear a train comin' . . .


  1. Actually, I'm pretty sure I did the trackwork ;>)

    Looking great!


  2. Looks like he's 'calling it,' Chris... oh no, more controversy!... do I have to separate you guys?... seriously, enjoyed the video shorts... really nice modeling that leaves the viewer with the impression that you have a massive, finished layout... hey, Jim D had to start somewhere, too...absolutely love that depot/freight house in the final 'braking' video... look forward to more - JF

  3. Thanks guys! Heh - when does a layout cease to actually be somebody's layout? It can't be all a simple matter of possession, can it? Well, at least nobody can lay claim to the freight cars. Those are All Mine - and I've got the burned out brain cells to prove it (not to mention some leftover grimy black/baking soda mixture for wheel faces... %^)
