Thursday, March 13, 2025

Rapido 44-tonner Sound Check - Dirty Little Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap

Sincere apologies that I've been posting more to The Valley Local Facebook Group than posting here - and given the current zeitgeist I should probably wean myself off FB (as many of you have, if you were ever on it) and post here more. A quick review of this here blog reveals mostly a photo album. My last substantive post was literally last year. New Year's Eve, but still 2024.

But there is LOTS to post and I sincerely hope to get to work on those posts soon. In the meantime, and as you may have guessed from yesterday's Wordless Wednesday, I've recently acquired a Rapido 44-tonner. A full review will need to wait, but suffice it to say it will be effusive - this model is one of the best locomotives I've come across in a while. The way it runs so quiet and smooth reminded me of the first time I saw an Atlas RS-3 running back in the day - which is to say, like a Swiss watch. But the details (as well as how I went about weathering it and reprogramming it for my ProtoThrottle) will have to wait another day.

This post is about how it sounds - specifically trying to answer the question of "what the heck is Sound Slot 30 supposed to represent?!"

Check out the video below and let me know your thoughts in the comments...